Business Contract Lawyer providing experienced legal counsel on contractual matters in Canada.



Contact Neufeld Legal PC at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864 or

Contract drafting is a product of knowledge, experience and an appropriate understanding of the particular business arrangement that the contracting parties are desirous of concluding. As such, there is a need to integrate the specifics of the business arrangement into contractual language that draws upon past legal precedent. How this impacts the actual drafting of the business contract is evident from its compostion, with (i) the overwhelming majority being boilerplate legal language, together with (ii) some substantive legal provisions being selectively chosen and modified to match the specific business arrangement and (iii) some very specific and individually crafted legal drafting that precisely sets out the unique terms and specifications of the contracting parties' business arrangement.

Each of these aspects is essential to an effective business contract that is capable of both advancing the business objectives of the contracting parties and protecting their respective legal interests. And recognizing this symbiosis of these distinctive elements to the contract drafting process is imperative to development of the optimal business contract.

For knowledgeable and experienced legal representation in negotiating, drafting and reviewing business contracts, contact our law firm by email at or by telephone at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864.


Contract of Service versus Contract for Service

Click here for our law firm's Contract Law webpage.