Tech lawyer applying the law to Internet, software, computational and other technology-related legal challenges and business.


An innovative law firm that tackles legal aspects of technology and internet businesses to optimize their commercial potential and profitability, while managing a highly demanding legal environment.

Contact Neufeld Legal PC at 403-400-4092 or

The commercialization of technology and the Internet has reshaped the global economy and the manner in which commerce is undertaken. This represents a seismic change with respect to how both products and services are promoted and delivered, which is shifting the power within the marketplace. For the reality is that there will be those companies and entrepreneurs that effectively monetize the Internet and thereby realize significant business growth and increased competition position, while those companies that fail to optimize the web will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage, with newcomers usurping market share  by having increased prominence on the Internet and its application thereof.

As with any business operation, there is a legal component that will facilitate the commercial process and improve results in key situations. As such, retaining the legal counsel of the appropriate lawyer is of particular significance, especially one that understands the business and challenges associated with the Internet and capitalizing on the potential of this technological transformation. This includes all aspects of information technology, from hardware to software development, Internet and web-based solutions, apps and social media, computer circuitry and mathematical algorithms, cloud-based system and cyber-security, data protection and regulatory compliance, e-commerce and fintech, licensing and partnerships, advertising and collaborative ventures.

We understand how computer algoritms and technological processes intersect with the law and commercial aspects of the Internet, and working with corporate business officers, tech entrepreneurs and IT departments as they strive to realize upon the financial potential of the Net. For more information as to how our law firm can apply our knowledge of the law, technology and the Internet to your business pursuits, contact us via email at or 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864.

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